Thursday, November 21, 2013

7 ounces in.....100 ounces out!... (it would appear).

So what do you do when it is quarter to five in the morning and your sweet little 3 month old son decides to epically launch his recently chugged breast milk all over you?  When I say all over you I mean ALL over your jammies soaked through to the underoos creating a puke pool on your bed sheets (thank you water proof liner) and saturating his own pajamas.  Well on the plus side it could be 3 in the morning and the sudden surge of adrenalin from witnessing  an exorcist like vomit wakes you up quite well, and heck it had been a few days since bathing last so a shower is definitely due.  As you strip down your sweet little guy he is smiling and cooing and so completely unaware of the massive amount of laundry he has just created....(will my entire Boppy fit into the wash machine?)

This kind of incident is never mentioned in any of the "what to expect" literature you read prior to having children.  On the plus side I did take and extra long shower and just considered that my "me time".   It is amazing how much more accurate shaving your legs can be without your 2 year old daughter in the shower with you...its like playing bathtime twister trying to maneuver around her.

What was "sleeping in" seems so long ago, my little guy is now sitting in my lap fresh and clean and of course wide awake... time to start the here I come!

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